PostgreSQL JOIN mit NULL Werten

Folgende Query hat im Ergebnis product_uuid = null.

Die Tabelle product_calc hat auch das Feld product_uuid.

FROM lerp_get_product_list_all(?) AS listall
         LEFT JOIN product ON product.product_uuid = listall.product_uuid
         LEFT JOIN product_no ON product_no.product_no_uuid = product.product_no_uuid
         LEFT JOIN quantityunit ON quantityunit.quantityunit_uuid = product.quantityunit_uuid
         LEFT JOIN product_calc ON product_calc.product_uuid = listall.product_uuid -- can be null

Das passiert nicht wenn man den JOIN mit den NULL Werten an den Anfang stellt:

FROM lerp_get_product_list_all(?) AS listall
         LEFT JOIN product_calc ON product_calc.product_uuid = listall.product_uuid -- can be null
         LEFT JOIN product ON product.product_uuid = listall.product_uuid
         LEFT JOIN product_no ON product_no.product_no_uuid = product.product_no_uuid
         LEFT JOIN quantityunit ON quantityunit.quantityunit_uuid = product.quantityunit_uuid